Sino-American Hypersonic Vehicle Research Collaborations Tracker

The "Sino-American Hypersonic Vehicle Research Collaborations Tracker" is an integral extension of the in-depth analysis provided by "Bridging Aerodynamic Frontiers: A Deep Dive into Sino-American Collaborations in Hypersonic Vehicle Research”, which examines US-China hypersonic research ties crucial for national security and space exploration. This real-time tool validates and builds upon the report’s findings, offering a dynamic, continuously updated platform for tracking these critical technological collaborations. While it focuses primarily on US-China efforts, its advanced filtering capabilities enable the examination of hypersonic vehicle research within a wider context, encapsulating global alliances including FVEY, NATO, and non-NATO partners. This facilitates strategic insights into the geopolitical and defense implications of these high-speed aerospace advancements across international borders.

Sino-American Hypersonic Vehicle Research Collaborations Tracker
Sino-American Hypersonic Vehicle Research Collaborations Tracker
Title Publication Date Authors Institution Funder

NIH Funded Chinese Defense Research Tracker


Australia Funded Chinese Defense Research Tracker